Hope for those who suffer from Arthritis
Many thousands of people, both young and old, suffer from pain and disability because they have arthritis. Fortunately, many cases of arthritis are treatable and even preventable. It is very possible to have an active, productive and pain-free life despite the presence of arthritis.
Osteoarthritis (OA), also known as degenerative joint disease, has been called the “wear and tear” disease. It is characterized by a degeneration of the joint cartilage, which forms the weight-bearing surface of the joint;  changes in the membrane which provides lubrication of the joint; and boney outgrowths called spurs around the outside of the joint. OA can arise in any joint, but occurs most often in the joints found in the spine, knees and hips.
Osteoarthritis affects over 40 million Americans; in fact, almost everyone over the age of 50 has a touch of it. In many cases it causes pain and disability. Other symptoms include morning stiffness which is relieved by activity, a grating sensation when turning the head and neck and limitation of movement. Cold weather and lowered barometric pressure (changes in the weather) may aggravate the joint symptoms.
Trauma such as falls, automobile accidents and sports injuries may result in an acceleration of this process. Stress can also play a role as it causes a tightening of the muscles. This may misalign a joint and cause uneven pressures on the joint cartilage. Personal habits may also play a part in speeding up this process. For example, if you are overweight, your joints are constantly overloaded. If you work long hours without taking a break, you  may not be nourishing your joints with necessary movement or rest.
OA is considered to be the result of excessive wear and tear or stress on the joints. If a joint is improperly aligned, there will be an uneven distribution of weight on the joint cartilage which causes additional wear and tear.
Chiropractic procedures can realign the joint so there is an even weight distribution thus reducing abnormal cartilage wear. Because of improved function, the pain is usually eliminated. Nutrition and various physiotherapy modalities may be used to enhance healing and reduce pain.
With proper treatment, exercise and lifestyle changes, it is possible to live a productive, pain-free life even if arthritis is present.

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